Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Enterprise #3

I would honestly like to see the candidates step it up for once.

Just one year, I implore, of truly informational, honest campaign ads that could give the viewer a way to have a stance on that politician besides name-calling and demeaning ads.

I am not naive, I know that obviously these bashing, negative advertisements work or else we would not be seeing them.

But I dream of an election where there could be two leaders that actually agree to rise above those immature tactics and tell the public that "this is how we should be electing the head of our country." There has to be a way that we could act in civilized manners instead of each potential groundbreaker skewing information to make someone look worse than they do. I know that politics has always been laced with dishonesty or stretching of the truth, but couldn't this have been the year to leave the reputation-killing ads in the dust?

I'm not a hypocrite, I admit that I respond as much as the next person to those negative ads, I just wish that the race could somehow become more of an ethical practice.

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