Thursday, September 25, 2008

Guided Assignment # 3 - Claire McCaskill

This is the next round of my guided assignments, where we are supposed to research a Missouri Senator. Senator Claire McCaskill was previously auditor for the state of MIssouri. Elected a Missouri Senator in 2006, she has very strict feelings toward many prevalent issues. McCaskill has voiced her stance on illegal immigration laws, and believes in cracking down on those who break the law. She believes that those immigrants here illegally and those who employ them for cheap labor should be exposed and convicted. This also entails that she is not for giving amnesty to those convicted. The Senator does not think this nation is in need of any new guest worker programs. She feels these will "undermine American workers." McCaskill feels that nothing will be done until these special interest groups are abolished, and our borders are secured. She is fighting Washington in this battle to secure funding for Missouri on this issue and secure the nation's borders.

Open ended questions to ask:

1. How does illegal immigration affect you on a personal level?

2. What else would you like to see done to stop illegal immigration?

3. Why not let prisoners have amnesty? Why no tolerance for this issue?

4. What were the conditions that made you only vote with your Democratic party 84.4% of the time?

5. How would you make jobs more appealing to those taken only by immigrant workers?

1. Does your party affiliation primarily affect how you feel about this issue?

2. Do you think more laws should be made on immigration?

3. Would you change how Washington spends their money on immigration boundaries?

4. Is this issue one of your most highly ranked priorities?

5. Do you see any changes in the future for illegal immigrant laws?


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