Sunday, November 2, 2008

Guided Assignment 10/29/08

From the press release given to us the week of October 27th, we were given the task of finding the information that could be turned into a story, branching from that particular news.

I would take this story in the direction that the local car markets have been suffering, because I think that would be huge in relevance to our community. I would gear toward the customers thinking about trading or selling their larger vehicles, because it's a bad time to do so. The NADA appraisal guide is great for finding that accurate information needed, but that's not all to the story we're given in the release. There could be stories about hybrids surging over SUVs, or the demise of the large vehicle industry altogether.

This goes to show that there is always more to be found, and our job as reporters is to look deeper than the surface and get people info that really applies to them.

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