Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Where Are the "I Voted" Stickers?

Voters Were Not Guaranteed a Sticker to Prove They Voted Today

The perks of getting an "I Voted" sticker are many.  There was promised free doughnuts, coffee, ice cream, or chicken sandwiches for anyone who sported the sticker.  But for some, even when doing their national duty, that option wasn't available.

This can be seen as a hinderance, or a more positive sign that voters really decided to turn out this year, like the voter in the above YouTube video.  

The polls were open early this morning, and there was a rush to get to the booths.  More locations had been opened for the anticipated record breaking turnout for the 2008 election. There were reports of waits from four to six hours in some locations.  Like in the Clayton, North Carolina polls, as seen below, they were opened closed at various times but the trend of voting this year was definitely high.  

MSU freshman Cory King, 18, of Willard, Mo., was definitely disappointed with this lack of stickers.  He sarcastically said that "people might think [he was] a terrorist now."

Either there was not enough communication about how many stickers were needed, or there was just an amazing unforseen turnout of voters.  Whatever the case, I think it can be considered a good thing that we ran out of stickers.  And if you really voted, you probably could technically still get free food, because I'm pretty sure it's against the law to bribe people to vote.  

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